Everyday we wake up, we open our eyes, turn on our brain, stretch something that we didn’t know we needed to stretch and we wake up.
From that moment on we begin to make our choices. We choose when to take the covers down, when to get out of bed, to wash our face, to make our coffee, ect. ect. ect.
What to do next? It’s always our choice.
A choice we need to make. More so a choice we’re bound to take.
We don’t like to admit we are bound, we insist to believe we are free.
ending mis-lead us to what is true, using the words as we know them to be.
Our bind to choices delineates humanity.
The bind to choices is what make us free.
What’s important to note, and what the naysayers say, is this bind is our non-negotiable contract we never choose to sign.
giving nature of choice, a nature of the ropes that binds.
The truth is that both are true.
From there, you could only deduce, to know that this world we live is not random.
Not random at all. in any way, shape, science, or miracle we see, random cannot exist for we make the choices that come to be.
And from there who’s to say what it’s called.
Freedom, slavery, choice or divine God.
We call it what we must to humanize the existence of our humanity. To call it by a name that we might be able to understand.
While nothing is random, that means everything is.
While we are bound to make choices, our choices is where our freedom lives.